DMCA is an Online Service Provider under Title II of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. Section 512 (“DMCA”).

We treat every abuse very seriously. If you wish to report a copyright infringement you have to do so properly in accordance with DMCA procedure.
You must provide valid proof of ownership for the items suspected of violation.
Provide us with contact information such as telephone, email and address.
Provide links or other information so we can identify exactly which items are in question.
To file your DMCA report, your valid DMCA Notice must be sent to our abuse email at:
or use the form here

Once we receive a report and the information you have provided can be verified, the offending material will be deleted within hours.
Please notice that we do not allow copying a part or full text or media from our site without a previous written permission, otherwise has all legal rights to protect its intellectual property

Disclaimer – Our platform merely displays links to audiovisual content located on servers of third parties and provided and/or transmitted by third parties. We DO NOT host nor transmit any audiovisual content itself and DO NOT control nor influence such content. We cannot accept any liability for the content transmitted by others. Any responsibility for this content lies with those who host or transmit it. We are not affiliated nor claim to be affiliated with any of the owners of streams and/or videos. All content is copyright of their respective owners